ENBSeries v0.298 for Dragon's Dogma


Added parameter to disable mod at loading screens and disable fake shadows under feet. Added hotkey for fps limiter for those users who have long loading screens and fps limiter helps. Heavy hdr mode parameter which is slow mode but have maximal quality of rendering with a different look of bright areas of the screen. Added ambient color parameters and separated skylighting mixing modes. Added interior detection for catacombs (not sure if all of them, not tested much).

v0.297: Fixed not working high precision rendering and missing game fade screen when vignette disabled in enblocal.ini. Added skylighting and detailed shadows effects. Removed some parameters from ambient occlusion and added the same separated by time of the day.
v0.296: Added fix for long loading screens to enblocal.ini, high precision rendering to decrease color banding artifacts at cost of performance, changed ambient occlusion code, added time of the day separation, parameters for sky and sun. Users with stuttering need to set fps limiter a bit lower than average frame rate, because game threads don't have enough time spinning on same cpu core.
v0.295: Shaders are fully compatible with TES Skyrim, so you may use them from presets (Nexus web site or forum here), default included is not tweaked. When game will be officially released, i'll do the changes accordingly, if required. This version is made from Skyrim mod and have many of it's code existing, which is negatively affect video memory usage, i'll clear up things later. Mod includes ssao, ssil, depth of field, bloom, lens shaders, edge antialiasing, toggling game hud.
v0.294: First release. I wasn't able to test it much, because don't have saved games yet. Shaders are fully compatible with TES Skyrim, so you may use them from presets (Nexus web site or forum here), default included is not tweaked. When game will be officially released, i'll do the changes accordingly, if required. This version is made from Skyrim mod and have many of it's code existing, which is negatively affect video memory usage, i'll clear up things later. Mod includes ssao, ssil, depth of field, bloom, lens shaders, toggling game hud.

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